Levi, 3.5 years old🎶.

Hello. This is Life Force Chiropractic.

It's been warm and poky this week 🎶 Amazing that it's only January and today's high temperature is 24 degrees!

Today I would like to introduce Levi, the youngest son of the Carroll family, who has been a frequent contributor and family member.

As you can see from the picture, Levi is now adjusting as well as an adult. He is even better than me! His first treatment was at 1 year and 3 months old, and his first adjustment was at 1 year and 9 months old. For a while, I was crying a lot on my mom's chest every time I received it. His older sisters and brothers, who had finished adjusting him before him, were so concerned about his crying that they surrounded him with toys, encouraging him, talking to him, holding his hand, and smiling at him! Levi is now three and a half years old. Now, when he is called, he smiles and walks to and from his bed and sits on it by himself. He is taking it very well even though he doesn't have a big brother or sister. When he finishes, his confident smile is so cute! I am so impressed with Levi's growth that I feel like a relative's auntie 🎶.

The Carroll family comes for body maintenance every 2 to 3 weeks. Mom says that after the adjustments, the kids are feeling very good about life! She said.

We also provide chiropractic care for children, and we have children who come to our clinic like the Carroll family. If you have any concerns about your child's body, walking, runny nose, atopic dermatitis, etc., please bring them to our clinic. Our staff, including myself, will play with your child while you and your parents are receiving treatment. We will even hold them in our arms! All of our staff love children!

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