Chiropractic is the natural therapy of choice for many people to correct physical problems and postural distortions. Among them, it is not uncommon for leg length imbalances caused by pelvic distortions to be corrected. Today, we would like to share with you an actual case of chiropractic leg length alignment.
What causes different leg lengths?
Most differences in leg length can be attributed to skeletal distortions. In particular, tilting and twisting of the pelvis and distortion of the spine are commonly affected. This increases the load on one side of the foot, which can cause pain and discomfort in the knees and hips. Because the problem is often an imbalance of the entire skeleton, rather than a structural problem in the foot itself, a full-body adjustment is necessary.
Chiropractic Approach
The first time a patient undergoes treatment, a full body examination is first performed to determine the condition of the pelvis and spinal column. If a difference in leg length is observed, we will identify the skeletal distortion behind it and perform a treatment to correct it. Specifically, adjustments are made to realign the pelvis and restore correct alignment (alignment) of the spine. This is expected to restore balance to the entire body and naturally align the length of the legs.
Examples of actual improvements
One person was aware of a sensation of weight on one side when standing and tiredness while walking. After adjusting her pelvic distortion through chiropractic care, she reported that the difference in leg length improved and she felt lighter.
Another person, when suffering from back pain, explained that the difference in leg length was involved, and as a result of the treatment, not only was the burden on her back reduced, but she was also able to stand for long periods of time and perform her work comfortably.
Continuous care is important.
Even once chiropractic care has corrected the length of the legs, daily habits and habits can cause distortion again. Therefore, it is important to continue regular maintenance treatments, as well as stretching and exercises at home. In addition, a posture-conscious lifestyle will help maintain good posture for a long time.
Improved leg length differences can help balance the entire body and reduce pain and fatigue. Chiropractic is an effective means of aligning the body in a natural and safe way. If you experience any discomfort with your own leg length, we encourage you to have a professional examination to check your body's balance.
Chiropractic can help you take the first step toward a healthy body.