When most people think of chiropractic care, they probably think of bodywork that makes bones jar. In particular, the unique sound and exhilarating sensation that resonates during the treatment tends to be talked about. However, many people may wonder what exactly this "boki- boki" is, whether it is really effective, and how safe it is. This article will explain in detail the appeal, mechanism, and practice of bone bokiboki bodywork.
The true nature of the bok-bok-bok sound
First, let's talk about the "cracking" sound you hear during the procedure. It is not the sound of bones breaking or moving. It is the sound of air bubbles bursting, caused by the rapid movement of air and gas in the joints during chiropractic manipulation.
In other words, the sound does not mean that the treatment has a special therapeutic effect; rather, the adjustment itself is effective even without the sound. However, it is also true that many people feel a sense of relief and the effect of the treatment at the sound of "bok-bok-bok".
Is bone bobbing bodywork safe?
When some people hear the phrase "bone rattling," they worry about possible damage to their bones and joints. However, adjustments performed by a properly trained professional chiropractor are very safe and the risks are minimal. However, one should be cautious if any of the following conditions apply
- osteoporosis
In people with brittle bones, too much force increases the risk of fracture.
- vascular disease
Strong adjustments are especially dangerous when there are problems with the blood vessels around the cervical spine (neck).
- Injury or severe hernia
Preliminary diagnosis is necessary to avoid aggravating existing injuries.
Therefore, it is important to consult with your chiropractor thoroughly and accurately inform him or her of your health condition before undergoing treatment.
The effect of chiropractic care is not the presence or absence of sound, but the return of normal range of motion in the adjusted area. As skeletal distortions and joint misalignments are adjusted, nerve function may improve and muscle tension may be resolved.
However, chiropractic is not a magic cure. Chronic back pain and stiff shoulders cannot be completely cured by chiropractic alone; it is important to combine it with daily lifestyle habit improvement and exercise therapy.
The "charm" of Bokiboki Osteopathy
One of the reasons why "bone bokiboki seitai" is particularly popular is because of its instantaneous sense of release. The ability to feel refreshed in a short period of time as the stresses in the body that have built up from sitting for long periods of time and muscles that have become stiff from tension are adjusted is a major attraction. In addition, many people have a satisfying sense of "it worked" because of the sound it produces.
Another factor may be that many treatment videos are spreading on social networking sites and YouTube, and more and more people are feeling "kind of good" visually. The sound and visuals of the treatment give people a feeling of being refreshed just by watching it.
Can I "blah blah blah" myself?
People often say that they twist and jolt their own necks and backs. Certainly, making the sound yourself may feel good temporarily, but this should be done with caution.
Frequent self-induced ringing of the joints may, in turn, decrease joint stability. Never overdo it, especially when twisting the neck, as this can put undue strain on nerves and blood vessels. It is much safer and more effective to be treated by a professional chiropractor.
Summary: How to Enjoy Bokiboki Osteopathy
Chiropractic bone-boxing bodywork attracts many people because of the impact of the sound and the immediate exhilaration. However, it is important not to rely on this alone, but to know one's own body condition well and to receive treatment safely. In addition, reviewing your daily lifestyle and incorporating daily exercise and stretching will enhance the effects of the treatment.
The next time you see a chiropractor, you might find it more interesting and enjoyable if you pay attention to the science and technology behind the "bok-bok" sound.