In todays blog once again we would like to just address the parking situation at our clinic. yellow number plates only.
Unfortunately if a larger car is parked in the rear, the residents of the building have a harder time moving their own vehicles in and out of the parking space. In order to avoid such problems we ask any patients with larger cars such as SUVs, vans or longer cars to park in front of the clinic.
If there are no spaces available at your arrival, our staff will ask you to move the car temporarily to the rear parking then we will move the vehicle or ask patients to move their vehicle to the front. If you are in the clinic and are getting an adjustment, our staff (with your consent) can move your vehicle to the If you are in the clinic and are getting an adjustment, our staff (with your consent) can move your vehicle to the front parking as well.
In the rear parking we have put up signs just in case so anyone can see if they can park there or not in order to avoid confusion.
If you have any questions regarding this situation please don't hesitate to ask us.