Physical condition at the end of the rainy season

Hi, this is Molly from Life Force Chiropractic!
The rainy season has finally ended in Okinawa and the typical Okinawan summer season has arrived.

However, the change of seasons is also a period during which one can easily become ill.
When you return to your home or office on the road, on the way home from outside sales or shopping, the air conditioning may be quite effective.

This sudden change in temperature can startle the body, disturbing the autonomic nervous system and causing headaches and stiff shoulders.

In addition, the amount of blood flow is relatively low during the summer months as many people are less hydrated.
This results in a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and fatigue.

Once you are out of shape, the nerves pull you out of shape, the bones shift, and because the bones are out of shape, you are in a negative loop of being out of shape again...

Chiropractic is a method that can approach such distortions of the body and nerves.

I've been getting a lot of headaches and dizziness lately."

I've been trying to drink a lot of fluids since I got sick once, but I'm having a hard time getting back into shape."

In such cases, we recommend physical adjustments.

Why not maintain your body and mind so that you can enjoy summer to the fullest?

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