Mr. and Mrs. Crystal and Eric 🎶.

Hello. This is Life Force Chiropractic.

This month is the end of the school year, which means that we are busy with preparations for graduations, graduation, promotion, and advancement to higher education! Speaking of going on to higher education, one of our students is looking forward to entering the first grade of elementary school next month, but at the same time, she told me anxiously that she was very nervous. I gave her some advice and she smiled and said, "I'll do my best! She said, "I'll do my best! I was so moved to see her growing up with such anxious feelings, even though she is usually a very dexterous and smart big brother with a strong sense of justice.

Today I would like to talk about the many Dunkin' Donuts and Dunkin' Coffee that I received from Crystal and Eric last week as they were going back to the US. I love Dunkin' Donuts so much that I get excited just to see the logo 🎶.

Crystal and Eric have been coming to us every couple of weeks for a little less than two years. They were a very calm, friendly, and beautiful couple, and it was very relaxing to see them. We were very surprised to hear that they were leaving so suddenly, and we will miss them very much. I hope you will come to see them again when you come to Okinawa!

Thank you so much, Crystal & Eric! The donuts and coffee were enjoyed by all the staff 🎶.

Good luck in the U.S.!

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