Melanie is now 6 months old!

Hello everyone. This is Lifeforce Chiropractic.

March has come early this year! It's graduation season. Around me, there are graduates from nursery schools to universities and vocational schools. I am happy for them, but at the same time, I feel that their parents are more excited about the next step! I remember when I had the same feeling! Congratulations to all of you on your graduation🎶!

Today, Melanie, who has been receiving treatment at Family, is having her first treatment in a long time last week.

Melanie's first chiro was 7 days old. She is now 6 months old. She is full of charm and always smiling, making everyone in the store happy and smiling.

Melanie, again, started from her back on top of her mommy. As she grows up and starts to feel things, it is so soothing to see her turn around and ask, "What are you doing on my back? She turns around to check what I am doing on her back, which is very soothing! Next, she is on her back by herself. She is smiling and very good at it! When I was checking the areas of concern for the mom and dad, and working on the legs, feet, back and neck, at about the last neck, she said, "I can't wait to finish! Mommy hold me! He made his face crumpled up a few times, and then he said, "Mommy, hold me! The look on Melanie's face when her mom was about to pick her up after the session was over was so cute and adorable. The smiles on Melanie's face as her mom and dad watched her receive the treatment were also very nice 🎶 We are very happy to see Melanie growing up so well 🎶 together with us.

We have many children, both Japanese and non-Japanese, who are walking around now. If you or your child have any concerns, we look forward to hearing from you.

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