The baby is born!

Hello Life Force Chiropractic.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we would like to introduce two new babies born to two of our regular family members! They are Medison, born on August 30, and Melanie, born on September 3! Both mothers had been receiving our treatment until just before the birth, so we were all looking forward to their births!

Medison-chan is the younger sister of Olivia-chan, who has appeared before. Olivia-chan has suddenly become a big sister!

Melanie is the first child of the Cruz family. Melanie was 7 days old today and she was treated by her father and mother. I was so happy to be able to hold her in my arms while her mom and dad were being treated 🎶.

I look forward to seeing Medison and Melanie's future growth!!!!

The number of babies and children in our store is increasing. If you have any concerns about your child, please feel free to bring him or her with you.

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