Kawamitsu Holidays

Hello everyone, this is Kawamitsu from K-ichi Roppongi store.
Summer heat is in full swing, how are you doing? Today, I will tell you about the daily life of our staff.
The other day, Monday the 9th, was the second Monday of the month, so K-ichi was closed, but I came to Roppongi because there was a plumbing cleaning for the building.
It took only 40 to 50 minutes to finish, but afterwards, I went to Fujifilm in Midtown to see a space exhibition that looked interesting.
It has been 13.8 billion years since the universe was created. I learned about the planets in our galaxy and read about why Jupiter is red. I learned about the planets in our galaxy while viewing the exhibit, and I made many new discoveries while reading about the color of Jupiter, such as why it is red!
The most interesting thing for me was that there are several other galaxies in the universe, and that stars like Earth exist.
I hope that one day in the near future, a planet similar to Earth will be found and we will be able to go back and forth, communicating with people on each other's planet!
That's all for today.


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